Crowd Sourced Indexing: Project Information

Project Name:
IGRA 1949 Immigration January
Start Date:
Follow-Up Information:
Many thanks to our volunteers: Orna Kir, Yael Ruff Hakim, Merav Schejtman, Amos Shiffman, Davida Hass, Mira Klein, Esther Ramon, Vered Dayan, Esther Rechtschafner, Nurit Gal, Israel Weisbrot, Yosef Carmeli, Oded M, Eran Hulata, and Shmuel Laufer that transcribed more than 20,300 records. Very soon you will be able to search this database at project completed for IGRA.
These lists deal with immigration after the founding of the State of Israel. The data in this project of immigration lists deals with the time period from May 1948 on. The immigrants had various modes of transportation: most came by ship, some came by airplane and even some came by land. Some of the lists cannot be easily read and transcribed; therefore this project may not include all immigrants from that period. At this stage the project is based on material found on the website of the State Archives of Israel.
The information you are asked to transcribe is: nationality, country of origin, mother's name, father's name, year of birth, age, given name, surname, title. record number, date of event, month of event, year of event (YYYY). The date is usually at the top of the page, unless the list is short and a new list starts in the middle of the page. Not all the pages have all this information.
If one of the names is illegible, please type “illegible”. If one of the fields is empty, continue on to the next field. If there are parentheses ( ), do not type them.
If there are quotation marks ("), type the information from the line above the quotation marks.
If there are two given names, type them with a space between them. If there are two surnames, type them with a space between them.
The additional data such as the port of entry, addresses of family in Palestine and other comments are not to be typed. If there is no record number, leave that field blank.
IGRA - Jewish Database Indexing in Hebrew
Geographical Location(s):
Average Records Per Page: