Many thanks to our volunteers: Amos Shiffman and Orna Kir that transcribed more than 250 records. Very soon you will be able to search this database at Another project completed for IGRA.
A census was held in Jerusalem in 1947. The scans of the cards are available on the Israel State Archives website. There are over 30,000 scans, most of the scans are of residents living in a specific apartment. With your help we hope this project, including proofing, can be completed in 2 years .
Please fill out the information from left to right. The card includes the information on the people/family in the apartment. Only type the information on the numbered lines. Fill in the "time in Jerusalem" in the field titled "Schedule Number". Some cards have 10 lines, some have 5 lines. There are a few scans that are lists of people in a specific institution. Type all the scans, even those that have a diagonal line across them.