Another project completed for IGRA. Many thanks to our volunteers: Orna Kir, Shalom Bronstein and Esther Rechtschafner that transcribed more than 2,268 records. Very soon you will be able to search this database at
This is the voters’ list for local elections in 1947 of the people living in Bat Yam, Palestine (Eretz Israel). This document was found in the Israel State Archives.
If one of the names is illegible, please type illegible. If one of the fields is empty, continue on to the next field. If you have a problem typing parentheses ( ), then don't type them. Please type the complete record number. If a voter's name is crossed out, in the "field" type נמחק. If the letters נ.ב. appear, type them in the remarks column. They stand for "right to be elected".
IGRA - Jewish Database Indexing in Hebrew This project is available to all indexers, not just those in the group.