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Folders 14-17 in sub-Collection „List Material Flossenbürg“ contain copies of CC Flossenbürg´s Prisoner´s number registry. The volumes comprising these 4 folders list female prisoners imprisoned in the camp in 1944.
Each prisoner record consists of Flossenbürg prisoner number given to the prisoner, her nationality or “prisoner category”, her name, date of birth as well as the camp from which the prisoner arrived, and the sub camp to which she was assigned. Date of death as well as birth place are sometimes registered as well.
Column 1:
Number given to the inmate (should between 50,000 - 68,000)
If there is unreadable data, please skip the field and insert only a “?”

Column 2:
Combination field of "Nationality of the inmate" (see table 01 below) and „reason of imprisonment“ (see table 02 below)
If there is unreadable data, please skip the field and insert only a “?”
Table 01 "Nationality"
Tsch. = Tschechien
RD = Reichsdeutsch
Russin; Russ. = Russland
Jug.; Jugosl. = Jugoslawien
Polin; Pol. ; Poln. = Polen
Belg. = Belgien
Fr.; Frank.; Franz.; Frz.; Französ. = Frankreich
Stl.; Staatl. = Staatenlos
Holl. = Niederlande (Holland)
Litauer = Litauen
DR. = Deutsches Reich
D. = Deutsch
Lux. = Luxemburg
Serbe = Serbien
Schweiz = Schweiz
Ukr. = Ukraine
Ung. = Ungarn

Table 02 "reason of imprisonment"
Zi. ; Zig. ; Zigeuner = Zigeuner
Pol.; Polit. = Politisch
A.; Aso = Asozial
Jude; Jud. = jüdisch
BV = Berufsverbrecher
Z.A. = Zivil Arbeiter
VB = Vorbeuge Häftling
Mischl. = Mischling

Column 3:
Full name of the inmate
If there is unreadable data, please skip the field and insert only a “?”

Column 4:
Place & date of birth of the inmate
If there is unreadable data, please skip the field and insert only a “?”

Column 5:
Date of entry into CC Flossenbuerg (coming from)
If there is unreadable data, please skip the field and insert only a “?”

Column 6:
Date of death (Place of death) or date & transfer to a subsidiary concentration camp
If there is unreadable data, please skip the field and insert only a “?”
International Tracing Service (ITS)
List of People
Geographical Location(s):
Average Records Per Page: