Another project completed for IGRA. Many thanks to our volunteers: Barbara Ellman, Orna Kir, Eric Mack, Matthew Karp and Celia Haupt that transcribed more than 2.197 records. Very soon you will be able to search this database at
The British Mandate Government published booklets listing their staff members. In the National Library in Jerusalem there are three booklets for the years 1926, 1930 and 1941.
The format for transcription was decided upon by the format of the majority of the pages. The fields are occupation (appointment), surname, given name, title, location. The following information will not be transcribed: grade, date of first appointment, date of present appointment. At the beginning of each booklet there is a list of High Commissioner and his personal staff. This information should be transcribed in the format set up for the other pages. There are many titles and commissions write in an abbreviated form. These should be typed in the field of title. Examples are: O.B.E., M.C., Brig. General and Eff. One person may have a number of titles.