Crowd Sourced Indexing: Project Information

Project Name:
IGRA - 1936 Tel Aviv Voters List Resh-Tof HEB
Start Date:
Follow-Up Information:
Another project completed for IGRA. Many thanks to our volunteers: Esther Ramon, Yael Ruff Hakim, Eran Rabl, Orna Kir, Nurit Gal, Esther Rechtschafner, Amos Shiffman, Merav Schejtman, Inbar Kirshenboim, Orli Faine, and Inbal Shtuhl that transcribed more than 8,676 records. Very soon you will be able to search this database at
This is the voters’ list for Knesset Israel elections in 1936 of the people living in Tel Aviv, Palestine (Eretz Israel). This document was found in the Historical Municipal Archives of Tel Aviv - Yaffo.
If one of the names is illegible, please type illegible. If one of the fields is empty, continue on to the next field. If there are parentheses ( ), then don't type them.
If there are quotation marks ", type the information from the line above the quotation marks. There are some pages where the whole page is for the same family name. In such a case all the people with have quotation marks " for their family name. In this specific instance type " or leave it blank, and when all the pages are put together, the family name will be added. Examples are the family name of Cohen or Levy or Mizrachi.
If there are two given names, type them with a space between them. If there are two surnames, type them with a space between them.
Please type the record number.
IGRA - Jewish Database Indexing in Hebrew
This project is available to all indexers, not just those in the group.
Voter Records
Geographical Location(s):
Tel Aviv, Palestine
Average Records Per Page:
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